Just under 8 weeks ago, UpdraftPlus’s free version passed 200,000 downloads from wordpress.org… today we’ve hit 300,000. The most recent release saw us hit position number 15 at rankwp.com – i.e. the 15th most popular of all WordPress plugins (i.e. all 27,000 of them!) – up from 71st .

Those stats aren’t totally objective – they rely somewhat on when you last released, and how often you release. But what is clear is that UpdraftPlus is growing and growing. If you keep a close eye on the statistics at wordpress.org, and try to work out how things are “all else being equal” (i.e. stripping out the effect of a new release upon download numbers), it looks to us like UpdraftPlus may just be in the process of nudging into the position of the most downloaded WordPress backup plugin for new sites. Whether that is so will become clear over the next month or two.

But don’t worry – we’re not going to sit on our laurels! We intend to press on, and on… watch this space! The next release is already under development, and some handy features are already written. Are you in the market for a solid, easy-to-use, well-supported WordPress backup, restoration and migration plugin? Then check out UpdraftPlus Premium – we don’t think you’ll find anything better.

David Anderson (founder, lead developer, UpdraftPlus)
