What are UpdraftPlus’s limits?

If you deploy Dropbox, Google Drive, UpdraftVault, Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud Files, OneDrive, Microsoft Azure, Backblaze, Google Cloud, Dreamobjects, Generic S3, SFTP, FTP as your cloud backup method, then in theory UpdraftPlus has no limits. At whatever point your web hosting provider cuts UpdraftPlus off, it will resume again from later. UpdraftPlus also splits the backup at a configurable interval (every 400MB), so that there are no issues with maximum allowed sizes for zip files on your system. (i.e. whatever limit the system has, you can configure UpdraftPlus to use something smaller…. in most cases, UpdraftPlus detects this automatically as it runs, so you do not normally need to touch the setting). With email backups, you will likely find that your email provider limits the size allowed for incoming emails.

Posted in: General and pre-sales questions
