An unexpected release, UpdraftPlus 1.11.9 (free version) / 2.11.9 (paid versions) is in the process of being released, and you should see it available in your WordPress ‘Updates’ page during the next few hours.

This release was prompted by Dropbox making an unannounced and undocumented change in the response that their server returns when connecting an UpdraftPlus site for the first time. This change prevents any current release of UpdraftPlus from being able to make a new authorisation with Dropbox (i.e. new sites can’t be connected – but existing sites can carry on backing up).

Alongside this, we’ve taken the opportunity to include a number of small tweaks and corner-case fixes that had been collecting for our next release. Please note that this release does not contain the new features that we’ve been working on which are planned for later this month, such as this, this and this. This is an emergency fix so that people can carry on connecting new sites to Dropbox. Here’s the full changelog:

  • Fix: Dropbox introduced an un-documented, un-announced change to their server, which caused new site authentications in UpdraftPlus to no longer work. Now fixed with this release.
  • Fix: If backing up multiple extra directories under “more files”, if large directories required a resumption, then inclusion of the files multiple times in the backup was possible.
  • Tweak: Tweak the auto-split algorithm to not avoid firing in a particular case (that relies on a sequence of unlikely I/O events, seen on GoDaddy) if there’s no resumption scheduled
  • Tweak: Add mysql.sql to the (changeable) default configuration for excludes from wp-content – on WP Engine this is an unreadable file that they create that thus produces a backup warning
  • Tweak: Add a dashboard warning (+ link to documentation) if UD appears to be incompletely installed
  • Tweak: Add UPDRAFTPLUS_WEBDAV_NEVER_CHUNK constant for WebDAV servers that return the wrong error code when chunking fails
  • Tweak: Introduce a UPDRAFTPLUS_REMOTESEND_DEFAULT_CHUNK_BYTES constant allowing the over-riding of the remote-send (Migrator) starting chunk size in wp-config.php (expert users)
  • Tweak: Add CSS classes to dashboard updates notices, so that people can hide them more easily if they wish
  • Tweak: If gzopen() is disabled, then test binzip without trying to use PclZip to verify the results
  • Tweak: Add work-around for PHP bug

David Anderson (founder, lead developer, UpdraftPlus)
