UpdraftVault is getting very near now. We’re hoping for the first week of July, all being well. Not yet heard about UpdraftVault? Follow this link for our initial blog post.

Compared to other features, this new feature has involved a lot of working outside of the plugin itself. We need an infrastructure to handle recurring payments, and gracefully happen what happens when someone misses a payment, or fills their quota, etc. – plus a dashboard at updraftplus.com to allow people to download or delete their backups. (If your WordPress site gets hacked or taken off-line by your hosting company, then obviously the fact that you can download and delete from your UpdraftPlus settings page in WordPress won’t help you).

Below is a screenshot of the present, fully function state of the Vault dashboard in someone’s account at updraftplus.com. It shows you:

  • Your purchased quota (note that in the screenshot, it’s a low 40Mb because we’re testing the quota handling, and didn’t want to have to upload gigabytes of data before we could do that! We’re still currently planning that UpdraftPlus Premium customers will get 1Gb of allowance for free – and any and every type of user will be able to purchase quota (i.e. users of our free version can take part too)).
  • A list of sites that are connected to your Vault – plus the ability to remove them from the centralised dashboard. (So, sites that you no longer control / can’t log in to can’t carry on uploading to your Vault forever!).
  • A browser of your backup archives, sorted by site (in the example below, we’ve gone into the subfolder for the one connected site, to see its backups).
  • We’ve not yet got it showing what your current quota usage is. That’s next.

Here’s the screenshot:

 UpdraftPlus Vault dashboard

We know that a lot of you are really looking forward to this feature. We’re in the finishing strait now – all the major code is complete, and we’re just on testing and minor tweaks (for example, adding the showing of the quota usage in the dashboard panel above). Watch this space!

David Anderson (founder, lead developer, UpdraftPlus)
