Unable to activate Migrator Add-on

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  • #225989
    samuel argote

    I purchased Migrator and now I am trying to activate it by going to “Premium/Extensions” Tab and clicking on the link but it shows me the following error when installing:

    Unpacking the update…
    Could not copy file. updraftplus/templates/wp-admin/settings/tab-bar.php



    Errors of this form are almost always caused by running out of web hosting account space or server disk space – so, check that.


    samuel argote

    Thanks for the quick reply David.
    Yes looks like my server is running out of space and I need to migrate/duplicate my site, what would you recommend me to do in this case?


    Dee Nutbourne

    Hi Sam,

    You will need to increase the disk space or quota available to the hosting account.
    Alternatively, you will need to delete some files that are currently on the server.

    I would recommend checking the ‘wp-content/updraft’ directory for any old or unneeded backup or log files that can be downloaded or deleted from the server.

    Best Wishes,
    David N

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