What is the most secure way to set up Rackspace Cloud Files?

Rackspace Cloud Files allows you to set up users that have access to only one container in your Cloud Files account – and to nothing else. This is the most secure configuration. It means that admin users on your WordPress site, even if they can copy the...

How do I stop an in-progress backup?

If you want to stop an already-running backup, then the final way is to restart the web service on your server. However, you may not have that access, or need something less forceful. Because PHP can run in many different ways, there is no one way to stop a PHP...

How do I update my install to the development version?

If you’ve been asked to update to the development version (e.g. to test out a new feature, or fix – or if you’re just curious and like being at the cutting edge), then here’s how to do it. All your settings will be remembered – you...

Can I run backups from the shell / cron?

N.B. (April 2018 – the instructions on this page should still work, but we now support WP-CLI, which is the recommended way to interact with UpdraftPlus from the command-line. See our WP-CLI documentation here). If you have shell access, then running a backup...