Google Drive creates multiple folders with the same name?

You’ve connected Google Drive to UpdraftPlus as a remote storage option but sometimes it creates a second folder instead of uploading to the existing one? This issue is a known thing that can happen and theres not much that can be done about it. Google Drive...

What is the privacy policy for use of your Google Drive app?

This privacy policy is published by the creators of UpdraftPlus, Updraft WP Software Ltd (UK) (please see the footer of this page for company registration number). It applies only if you are using our built-in app for authentication. If you configure UpdraftPlus to...

I can no longer download or restore from a Google Drive backup

Google recently (first half of 2013) changed their permissions setup. Specifically, the permission which UpdraftPlus was using to download backups (and thence to restore them) no longer enables it to do so. To fix this, you need to: 1) Update to UpdraftPlus version...

What does the error “Error: redirect_uri_mismatch” mean?

It means that you wrongly copied across the URL shown in your admin console to Google Drive/Cloud at the relevant step. Please return to the relevant step of the instructions (these instructions, for Google Drive, or these ones, for Google Cloud Storage), and try...