My billing details have changed and I require a new invoice

Our team will always do their utmost to help resolve any account or billing queries that you may have. One of the few things we can’t do unfortunately is change the details on a previously generated invoice e.g. VAT number, VAT amount or billing address. Updraft WP...

How do I set clipboard permissions for different browsers?

Giving your browser permission to access the clipboard makes it easy for you to copy the information that you need to connect to UpdraftCentral. Enabling this feature will save you time; instead of manually copying the generated connection key, you’ll see an icon that...

Why are my backups slow?

When creating a backup, UpdraftPlus uses Binary Zip or PHPZip to compress the backup files. If neither Binary Zip or PHPZip are available on your server, UpdraftPlus will use PclZip. PclZip is older and slower than Binary Zip or PHPZip and this may be causing your...

What are the implications of changing a table’s character set?

Background: Since UpdraftPlus 1.13.8 (autumn 2017), UpdraftPlus has been able to do extra checks upon your database prior to restoration for compatibility. In particular, it will look at the MySQL server that WordPress is running on, and make sure that it supports the...