Better Notes

The current label feature is not very good:

1. It doesn’t allow you to store enough information.
2. It can’t be edited after the backup is created.
3. It doesn’t get attached to the actual backup. E.g. If I have a production and development site sharing the same remote backup storage only the version of the site that created the backup can see the label.

At the moment I’m having to keep a separate notes file with references to the backup time/date to keep things organised.

My suggestion:

1. Rather than store a label in the database, add a notes text/md file to the backup files.
2. Change the label field in the “Perform a Backup” modal to a text area to allow more information to be added.
3. The first line of the notes file can be used where the current label is used in the backup list table.
4. Clicking the label on the backup list table would give a modal to edit the notes file.



  1. Paul Littlewood

    Storing notes as a separate file saved with the backup is also much better in the case where you don’t have a working site (an important use case for a backup plugin) or don’t have access to UpdraftPlus plugin. Finding a specific backup in these scenarios would currently be very difficult.

  2. udadmin

    Hi Paul,
    Concerning editing the note, you can do this by double-clicking on the existing note, and then you get a dialog in which editing is possible.
    Concerning “It doesn’t get attached to the actual backup”, this is also incorrect – it’s also stored in the header of the database backup. If you import the backup into another UD install and rescan to pick up the backup, then the note should be picked up too – does that not happen for you?

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