More fine grained control of backups schudules

I propose functionality to allow fine-grained control and more complex backup tasks to be defined.  For example remote backup schedule could be created to do the following :

  • A full site backup to S3 bucket once a week on Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday
  • Backup database every night to google cloud.
  • Once a month backup uploads folder to Dropbox.

And like in this Feature request (  to be able to specific retention rules for various cloud storage providers not just one overriding rule.



  1. fiona3

    This concept of different schedules for different backup options goes back FIVE YEARS (I’ve found requests for it from 2018) There are comments from Updraft that this is a “popular request” and “is being worked on” from several years ago.

    WHERE ARE WE AT?? THIS IS ESSENTIAL / COMMON SENSE. And surely not so hard…

  2. fiona3

    Further on this…. the “Conditions” option under the storage settings does not appear very helpful.
    For example – if I back up weekly, but once per month would like a backup to a 2nd location – I cannot set this as rarely will the ‘day of the month’ match the weekly backup day.

    You are using two different ‘data sets’ (day of the week v date of the month) to decide when to backup and the overlap is minimal.

    Has anyone worked this out???

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