Can't migrate anymore

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  • #307050
    Hanne B. Stegemüller

    Hi Bryle

    I hope you can help me with this strange issue:

    I run amongst others two sites:
    1) Source site:
    2) Destination site – a subdomain:

    I started here:
    “Next you’ll need to upload your backup files into UpdraftPlus. There is more than one way to do this – you can use any way you like.

    Here are the four different ways which you can choose from”

    1) I tried number 1 Migrator, which I have used 500 times before without troubles:

    I got this error message:
    “Uventet respons: Fejl: Unexpected HTTP response code (500) (unexpected_http_code). Du bør kontrollere, at den eksterne site er online, ikke er bag en firewall, ikke har sikkerhedsmoduler, der kan blokere adgangen, har UpdraftPlus version 2.10.3 eller nyere aktiv, og at nøglerne er blevet indtastet korrekt.”

    I then disabled all plugins. And I know how to manage keys.

    2) I then grabbed a backup file from the source site: and wanted to restore that to destination site The result was, that I over wrote, my main domain I could not restore into the subdomain.

    3) I then tried this, which is new to me, but seems logical:
    “OR, download the backup set from your source site (or from your Dropbox, or wherever you stored it), and upload into the ‘Existing Backups’ tab on your destination site.”

    I guess, I did something wrong: I uploaded my five zip files created at the source site to the receiving subdomain with ftp from Dropbox. And from the UpdraftPlus folder in the subdomain I was in WordPress and restored. The result was, that the source site was overwritten….

    Why? I am all ways extremely careful when I make these operations, I check and double check, that I handle the right files and domains. I don’t understand how this can happen, when there is no connection between my and then

    And now I dare not try anything more :-)

    The best thing for me would be, if you can help me bring the migrator back. I feel safer there :-)

    Best regards,

    Bryle Crodua

    Hi Hanne,

    It appears that you have restored the site on instead of doing it from

    To help us work out the cause of your problem, can you please send us a copy of the migration log?
    You can find this log in the ‘wp-content/updraft’ directory of your new site location.
    The contents will be too long to post here directly, but you can use an online service such as Dropbox or Pastebin, and post the link here.

    To bring back Migrator, you can simply re-install the plugin to your source site and restore the site again.

    Best Wishes,

    Hanne B. Stegemüller

    Hi Bryle

    Thanks for your kind and fast reply!

    I use Wetransfer and the link is here:

    Of course suddenly I get in doubt, as you are the expert But I’ll try to tell my procedure illustrated with three screen shots:

    1) Using the cron jobs you learned, me I make backup every morning 05:00 (danish time). Image: Bryle_1

    2) Those files from 21-09-2018 o5:00, I copied from Dropbox with FTP to / You’ll see that date and time is correct. Image: Bryle_2

    3) On the destination site: I checked 1) URL 2) Date and time 3) Restored. Image: Bryle_3

    4) I found it logical, what I did. Correct me if I’m wrong.

    I have been looking for the large log files. But I cant find them. What I see is marked on Bryle_2.

    I send two small log files, but I think, they are worth nothing.

    Best regards,

    Hanne B. Stegemüller

    Hello again Bryle

    Could some of the confusion be, that it looks like I only have one license?

    But I know for sure, I have bought full package for my own domain and Migrator for both.

    According to my records I seem to have paid the Migrator for Letsupport: “UpdraftPlus, Simba, DKK 582.69, 2018/08/21. ”

    I want every thing to be correct and legal!

    Best regards (again),

    Dee Nutbourne

    Hi Hanne,

    Apologies for the delay.

    The licences do not affect the backups and retorations themselves, and the Migrator comes with an unlimited number of licences.

    When restoring the backup set on the new site, Was the ‘Search and replace the URL in the database’ option selected before the restoration was started?

    Do the two sites share a database, or are they using two different databases?

    Please could you send us the file ‘log.7a549b050bc4.txt’ from the staging site ‘updraft’ folder?

    Best Wishes,
    David N

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