Download or restore backup files from OneDrive does not work

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    Recently I switched over from to OneDrive. I can see that the backups do work and are stored in OneDrive. Now I am checking if I can download or restore. Which does not work.
    UpdraftPlus: (and after update
    Wordpress: 4.4.2

    I am getting this error when trying to download or restore:

    PHP event: code E_WARNING: curl_setopt_array(): CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when an open_basedir is set (line 81, wp-content/plugins/updraftplus/includes/onedrive/client.php)

    And after that:

    Fout: Download mislukt

    ……. Fout – het bestand kon niet worden gedownloadet (0, Write failure (start offset: 0, bytes: 0; requested: 1048576))

    “Fout: Download mislukt” means “Error: Download did not succeed”
    “Fout – het bestand kon niet worden gedownloadet” means “Error – the file could not be downloaded” (gedownloadet is not Dutch, but okay)

    What could cause this?

    Looking forward to hear from you.


    Hi Edwin,

    The PHP event notice is caused by PHP being in so-called “safe mode” – a feature that the PHP developers decided was a design mistake, and removed after PHP 5.3 – . (PHP 5.4 is now old enough to be end-of-lifed – ). So, perhaps the download failure is related. What happens if you turn off “safe mode”? (You may need your web hosting company’s assistance to do this).



    De sites I manage are on different servers. I have narrowed it down to one server.
    The problem downloading from OneDrive is with this server. This server uses PHP 5.5.32 ( the other server also)
    And I can confirm that PHP safe mode is not turned off. So that is not the issue.

    I am not experiencing problems when downloading a backup from Dropbox. It is working fine.
    Does the Dropbox extension work differently?

    And I can disable Open_basedir on this server and now it I can download the backup.
    Is it wise to let Open_basedir disabled?



    The open_basedir setting (sorry for earlier misreading and confusing with safe_mode), forbids PHP applications to write data outside of specified directories. If it doesn’t allow UpdraftPlus to write data to its directory, then downloads will fail. So, it does need to be set so as to allow UpdraftPlus to write its data.

    Does the Dropbox extension work differently?

    This is a hard question to answer, because the OneDrive module relies upon a third-party toolkit. My guess is that it must be using some temporary file storage somewhere that’s outside of your configured basedir.



    Thank you. The hosting company advised me not to enable open_basedir for security reasons. At least not enabling it on several domains that are on the same VPS.

    I can enable it temporarily when I need a backup/restore.

    Thank you for your reply. It helped me in finding the cause.

    Best regards

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