
311.98 / year

If you own or manage a lot of websites, we’ve put together a very exciting new package for you.

UpdraftGold includes:

  • Unlimited sites with UpdraftPremium Developer
  • 50GB of UpdraftVault storage
  • Your backups will be stored on Amazon’s award-winning S3 servers
  • Manage unlimited sites all from one location with UpdraftCentral

UpdraftPremium Developer (for unlimited sites)

Enjoy every single thing UpdraftPlus has to offer: all of the Add-Ons are yours.
These include the backing up of unlimited files and databases to multiple locations, our clone and migrate function, advanced reporting, database encryption, network/ multisite support, lock settings access plus a host of other benefits. You’ll also get unlimited licences for these add-ons, plus free unlimited support and updates for the year.

UpdraftCentral (Unlimited Annual Subscription)

Manage your multiple WordPress websites with ease through a central SaaS dashboard, accessible via a one-click, remote login. Safe, quick and seamless, using this to back up, restore and control all your install settings at once will save you valuable time and effort.

UpdraftVault Storage (50Gb)

Get masses of backup space in our highly-secure cloud storage Vault quickly and easily. Say goodbye to setups, fiddly keys and passwords- just connect, click and you’re done. UpdraftVault is fully-integrated and intuitive, facilitating the organisation and management of your backups to make you more productive and efficient.

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311.98 / year

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