UpdraftPlus 1.13.11 (free version) / 2.13.11 (paid versions) is in process of being released. The main reason for an earlier release than expected is to get a particular bug-fix, for difficulties with downloading older backups, out there (in .10 – which we then needed to replace with .11 to fix a further regression introduced in the backup progress; many apologies if you were hit by that).

  • Fix: Fix a failure (regression in 1.13.8+) to download some backup sets which pre-date the existence of instances
  • Fix: Fix a failure to backup in the short-lived 1.13.10 (many apologies)
  • Tweak: When logging an Exception or Error, include a backtrace (WP 3.4+)
  • Tweak: Prevent a PHP warning during a save of the backup history
  • Tweak: Added a MetaSlider notice in the notices collection
  • Tweak: Put a try/catch block that will catch PHP exceptions/fatals (PHP 7.0+) during encryption phase, so that any issues can be logged

David Anderson (lead developer)
