Version 1.9.46 of UpdraftPlus has just been released, for all users.

This is a minor improvement, including the following items:

  • Feature: Chunked/resumable uploads are now supported for SFTP
  • Tweak: Work-around conflict issue in Manage WP worker plugin which caused a crash when authenticating with Dropbox
  • Tweak: Prevent PHP notice when listing files on SFTP server
  • Tweak: Reset an internal upload counter used to detect activity when a cloud storage switch is made due to no apparent activity – could prevent some large, long-running uploads on hosts with little available execution time
  • Fix: Scan for existing backup sets added manually to local storage in recent versions could overlook some unless clicked twice, in non-GMT timezones

It is a recommended update for all.

David Anderson (founder, lead developer, UpdraftPlus)
