UpdraftPlus 1.9.63 (free) / 2.9.63 (paid) has just been released.

It’s the same as 1.9.62 / 2.9.62, with only one tweak; we have reverted to bundling the previous selection of SSL certificates, because it appears that some Amazon S3 servers are still using weak 1024-bit encryption. The Firefox and Chrome web browsers stopped accepting these over 6 months ago, but it seems that Amazon still have some S3 servers that use them. (S3’s usually visited by automated tools, rather than web browsers – but, it’s a good benchmark of what’s considered up to modern standards).So, if your S3 backups were failing due to SSL validation errors, then you should update to this. Otherwise, updating will make no difference.

David Anderson (founder, lead developer, UpdraftPlus)
