UpdraftPlus IP Unblock: How to Regain Access If Your IP is Blocked

Are you having trouble accessing UpdraftPlus services and believe your IP address might be blocked? Use our UpdraftPlus IP unblock tool to regain your access quickly:

Unblock my IP

Why was my IP blocked?

UpdraftPlus, like many other online services, uses automated security measures to protect its services from attacks and malicious activities. These security measures identify and block suspicious or potentially harmful behaviour. 

But sometimes, these measures might mistakenly block an IP address. That’s most likely because your IP address is sharing a web server with hacked websites.

When multiple websites are hosted on the same server, and one is compromised, it can affect the entire server and the IP addresses associated with it. This could cause security measures to mistakenly flag other innocent websites or users sharing the same server.

So if your IP address has been blocked, this action is primarily taken to protect the services and users of UpdraftPlus from potential harm. 

Additionally, too many requests in too short a time may trigger anti-DDOS security measures. If your activity accidentally mimics a DoS attack, you might get temporarily blocked.

Note: If you are concerned about your server being compromised, you should contact your web hosting company for further investigation.

Who should use the UpdraftPlus IP unblock tool?

You can use the UpdraftPlus IP Unblock tool if you’re specifically encountering issues with UpdraftPlus products or services. 

If you’re having trouble accessing other websites or online services in general, the problem might be something else.

Still having trouble?

If the form doesn’t resolve the issue, it’s possible your computer might be infected with a virus. In that case, we would recommend running a thorough virus scan.

For more information

For a full explanation of IP blocking and how to address it, read our IP Unblock Guide.