UpdraftPlusPremium doesn't want to restore

UpdraftPlus Home Forums Paid support forum – UpdraftPlus backup plugin UpdraftPlusPremium doesn't want to restore

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  • #100195

    Hello I just bought UpdraftPlusPremium, because in your list of features you say, that it will help me to restore from a “backwpup” file. Now after buying it I see, that it doesn’t work for me.

    When Im trying to upload the “backwpup” backup file It says, that it is not backup from UpdraftPlus, and recommends me to buy UpdraftPlus Premium.

    Can you please, help me with this?



    Tento soubor nevypadá jako archiv se zálohou UpdraftPlus (takové soubory jsou .zip, nebo .gz soubory, které mají jméno ve tvaru: backup_(čas)_(název stránky)_(kód)_(typ).(zip|gz)).

    Pokud je toto záloha vytvořená jiným pluginem pro zálohu, pak by vám mohl pomoci UpdraftPlus Premium.



    Hi Ondrej,

    Thanks for the purchase!

    Please can you confirm your installed version number of UpdraftPlus, so that I can confirm that you’ve got the paid component installed?

    Also – if you share the backup set with me (e.g. via a Dropbox or Google Drive shared link), then I can test it out.

    Best wishes,

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