Interested in testing out the latest version of UpdraftPlus, seeing its features, and whether it works with your setup? It’s available for download here: Note: that’s the free version, of course – no add-ons.
If you do test it, then please send us feedback ([email protected]) to tell us how you got on. If you have any problems, please send us as many details as you possibly can.
One new feature which is not enabled by default is faster zip file creation, using the server’s zip binary if one is available. (If one is not, then PHP and/or WordPress’s built in methods will be used, as before). As zip files get bigger (up to 1Gb), our tests show that the system zip binary is usually over twice as fast – so your backups can complete faster, and bigger backups are possible on resource-starved web hosting (*cough* GoDaddy *cough*).
If you want to test out the faster zip file creation, then activate it by adding this option to your wp-config.php:
Again, let us know how you get on with it! Zip binaries will be looked for in each of: /usr/bin/zip, /bin/zip, /usr/local/bin/zip, /usr/sfw/bin/zip, /usr/xdg4/bin/zip, /opt/bin/zip
If you have one somewhere else, e.g. in /exotic/location/zip, then you can tell UpdraftPlus about it with a further option in wp-config.php:
define('UPDRAFTPLUS_ZIP_EXECUTABLE', '/exotic/location/zip');
It’s not possible to use system binaries in PHP’s “safe mode” (which does not exist after PHP 5.3); nor if your hosting company has otherwise restricted the ability to access or execute system binaries. UpdraftPlus should detect all such situations and drop back to the usual zip handling methods in such situations.