Migration/Restore Problems

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  • #106749

    (1) I’ve encountered a migration problem. After successfully backing up site “A”, restoring the database under site “B” was a piece of cake. However, all the other entities (plugins, themes, uploads, others) would just hang and after issuing the standard “unpacking” message. After more than a bit of digging, I discovered my hosting company, for whatever reason, only recognizes lower case letters when unzipping files. I proved this by manually removing all leading upper case letters and replacing them with lower case letters in the .zip file names. After logging into site “B” and re-scanning the local folder, I discovered that the zipped files would now unpack correctly and the “Restoration successful” message would display — at least some of the time, which leads me to my second problem.

    (2) With larger zipped files I am receiving a Fatal Error: Out of Memory error. Here’s the log file, although the error never propagated to the file:

    () Opened log file at time: Fri, 03 Apr 2015 18:51:45 +0000 on https://1world1list.com/test1
    0000.002 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin (https://updraftplus.com): WP: 4.1.1 PHP: 5.4.38 (Linux info 3.0 #1337 SMP Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 CEST 2000 all GNU/Linux) MySQL: 5.1.73-log Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 256M (used: 22.5M | 22.8M) multisite: N mcrypt: Y LANG: ZipArchive::addFile: Y
    0000.003 () Free space on disk containing Updraft’s temporary directory: 410566.4 Mb
    0000.003 () Restore job started. Entities to restore: plugins
    0000.027 () Will not delete any archives after unpacking them, because there was no cloud storage for this backup
    0000.027 () Entity: plugins
    0000.027 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2015-04-02-2017_total_guitar_setup_635d2ee832f7-plugins.zip, type=plugins, info=a:2:{s:4:”path”;s:67:”/homepages/26/d89162786/htdocs/1world1list/test1/wp-content/plugins”;s:11:”description”;s:7:”Plugins”;}, last_one=1)
    0000.027 () Unpacking backup… (backup_2015-04-02-2017_total_guitar_setup_635d2ee832f7-plugins.zip, 46.1 Mb)

    In summary I have two questions:

    – is there a way to automatically convert upper case to lower case letters when naming zipped files in Updraft, and if not, can an option to do so be appended to the software?

    – how do I workaround the memory errors? Although I’ve not changed the 500KB file size limit, I’m not getting segmented files. Some, like my plugins file can run up to 48MB.

    Thanks in advance for any advice!



    Hi Art,

    There’s a guide here on how to increase your PHP memory limit: https://updraftplus.com/faqs/deal-fatal-error-allowed-memory-size-errors/

    The upper/lower case thing sounds bizarre (I can’t think how a hosting company could achieve that, even if they wanted to), but, yes, it is possible to control the middle part of the filename, which is the only part that can have non-lower-case in it; see: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/feature-requestabout-zip-filename-creation-logic?replies=3

    – how do I workaround the memory errors? Although I’ve not changed the 500KB file size limit, I’m not getting segmented files. Some, like my plugins file can run up to 48MB.

    You’ve confused Kb and Mb there. 1Mb = 1024Kb.

    Best wishes,

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