UpdraftPlus Vault Failing

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  • #126029

    When I try to back up to UpdraftPlus Vault, I get the following error:

    0133.972 (0) Requesting upload of the files that have not yet been successfully uploaded (6)
    0134.192 (0) Cloud backup selection (1/1): updraftvault (last)
    0134.430 (0) Beginning dispatch of backup to remote (updraftvault)
    0134.508 (0) UpdraftPlus Vault: requesting access details (sid=xxxxxx, [email protected])
    0139.439 (0) UpdraftVault response code: error (s3_bucket_create_failed) (Failure: We could not successfully access or create such a bucket. Please check your access credentials, and if those are correct then try another bucket name (as another AWS user may already have taken your name
    The error reported by S3 was: You have attempted to create more buckets than allowed)
    0139.512 (0) UpdraftPlus Vault: failed to retrieve access details from updraftplus.com

    Please advise how to overcome this.



    Further to the above, the Settings tab shows:

    This site is connected to UpdraftPlus Vault. Well done - there's nothing more needed to set up.
    Vault owner: [email protected]
    Quota: Current use: Error: No settings were found (no_settings) - Get more quota - Refresh current status

    Hi Mike,

    Sorry about that – please try again now. Vault has happily been popular – and we’d hit an account limit with the underlying cloud storage provider (Amazon AWS) already. All should now be resolved – please have another try. Disconnect + reconnect. If it fails, then let me know your updraftplus.com username (use a private reply if necessary) so that I can check if anything needs to be cleared this end from the previous failed attempt.



    All resolved now David.

    Thanks for the quick response.

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