DB search & replace for network sites

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  • #127921

    I’ve just used the migrate option to restore a db backup from a live site to my local dev. It would be very helpful for it to compare the URLs of the network sites/sub-sites and offer to replace those as well. As it is now, it only does half the job (or a third, a fourth, etc, depending on how many sub-sites you have) by replacing the primary domain.

    Also, other site migration tools update references to filepaths (e.g., “/Users/me/Sites/project/” cum “/home/public_html/”) in the db. I’m curious to know if UDP does this, too.




    It sounds like you are using domain mapping – is that correct?

    File path references are not replaced. No plugin should be directly storing file paths, because WordPress internally has a full system of functions available for handling paths in a relative manner, so any plugin storing a full path should either a) not be doing this or b) be coded ready for these to change. However, if you have a plugin that doesn’t do this, then you can go to the ‘Expert/Debugging’ tab in the UpdraftPlus settings page and use the search/replace tool there to replace arbitrary data.


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