Hello I´m having custom types with the plugin “Types”. After your last update I´m not able to see the page with the genarated custom types at the backend. I only see a white page. After I deactivate your plugin I´m able to see my custom types. So anything with your plugin doesn´t work correctly. Any idea how to fix this problem? How can wen go on?
No, thats not the problem, I tried different memory values. The problem stays the same. I only don´t see the page of my custom types at the backend. Other areas I can see. Everything works fine until your upadate. Something is changed so that I cant see my custom types only a white page. Any other idea?
The final line in that output shows that a fatal memory error is occurring. The site is running out of memory. This indicates that the site is usually running very close to the memory limit, and that the extra plugin has tipped it over the edge.
If the steps in the above guide do not solve the problem, you will need to contact your hosts and ask them to increase the allocated memory.