Email notifications

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  • #17974
    Ewing Creative Admin

    In the future can UD be configured when emailing backup results to report specifically what was backed up?
    For instance when doing a plugin update the email reports show the same information (Backup contains: Files and database) as doing a full wp-cron.php scheduled backup.
    Would also like to see the “apparently succeeded” replaced with something a little more definitive.
    Thanks David.


    Hi Ed,

    I’m happy to say that I was working on the new reporting functionality earlier today. We have lots of plans for it.

    > Would also like to see the “apparently succeeded” replaced with something a little more definitive.

    Maybe ‘apparently’ has a different nuance over your side of the pond? Over here, it can mean ‘to all appearances – i.e. as far as it’s possible to tell’. A totally literal message like “we think the backup succeeded, but who knows, Dropbox could have lied about receiving the data and deleted it instead, etc etc…” would probably worry more people than it helped!


    Ewing Creative Admin

    Thank you David.
    Looking forward to the changes.
    Point taken on the “apparently succeeded” verbiage.

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