UPDATE of the DATABASE IS REQUIRED – problem restoring DB

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  • #2012623


    I have this website http://www.bitsofuniverse.com.
    Today I realized that something went wrong some time ago and as you can see no sub page is visible. The menus work but the pages are not visible anymore. I don’t know what caused this, a plugin update or a wordpress update.
    I tried to restore an old backup from: Oct 08, 2023 8:09.
    After the restore it says:
    The backup archive files have been successfully processed. Now press Restore again to proceed.
    Backup of: https://www.bitsofuniverse.com (version: 6.3.1)
    The restore says: Restore successfull! and it asks me to Return to UpddraftPlus configuration.
    But after that it says THE UPDATE of the DATABASE IS REQUIRED, WordPress has been updated! Next step is to update the database to new version. The update requires some time… and shows a button to update
    If I look at the website NOW, before doing anything, it is perfectly restored and every page is ok.
    BUT if I click on the button “UPDATE the WORDPRESS DATABASE” it returns in the dashboard without problems but the website is again broken. I see that the website is now updated to WordPress 6.4.2
    I have undestood that this problem occurs only when I restore the database and if I do so it asks me to update the wordpress database and then it breaks the site. Below the log of the restoring of the database
    Can you help me?

    Thank you

    Valerio Oss


    0000.001 () Opened log file at time: Mon, 15 Jan 2024 15:18:26 +0000 on https://www.bitsofuniverse.com
    0000.001 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin (https://updraftplus.com): 1.23.10 WP: 6.4.2 PHP: 7.4.33 (litespeed, Linux box2554.bluehost.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.23-23 (max packet size=268435456) WPLANG: it_IT Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 512M (used: 19.7M | 22M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.1w 11 Sep 2023 mcrypt: N LANG: ZipArchive::addFile: Y
    0000.043 () Free space on disk containing Updraft’s temporary directory: 113331.8 MB
    0000.047 () Restore setup, now closing connection and starting restore over AJAX.
    0000.001 () Opened log file at time: Mon, 15 Jan 2024 15:18:27 +0000 on https://www.bitsofuniverse.com
    0000.005 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin (https://updraftplus.com): 1.23.10 WP: 6.4.2 PHP: 7.4.33 (litespeed, Linux box2554.bluehost.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.23-23 (max packet size=268435456) WPLANG: it_IT Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 512M (used: 18.3M | 22M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.1w 11 Sep 2023 mcrypt: N LANG: ZipArchive::addFile: Y
    0000.069 () Free space on disk containing Updraft’s temporary directory: 113331.8 MB
    0000.108 () Ensuring WP_Filesystem is setup for a restore
    0000.109 () WP_Filesystem is setup and ready for a restore
    0000.114 () Restore job started. Entities to restore: db. Restore options: {“include_unspecified_tables”:false,”tables_to_restore”:[“56e_options”,”56e_users”,”56e_usermeta”,”56e_commentmeta”,”56e_comments”,”56e_links”,”56e_postmeta”,”56e_posts”,”56e_term_relationships”,”56e_term_taxonomy”,”56e_termmeta”,”56e_terms”,”56e_cky_banners”,”56e_cky_cookie_categories”,”56e_cky_cookies”,”56e_newsletter”,”56e_newsletter_emails”,”56e_newsletter_sent”,”56e_newsletter_stats”,”56e_newsletter_user_logs”,”56e_revslider_css”,”56e_revslider_css_bkp”,”56e_revslider_layer_animations”,”56e_revslider_layer_animations_bkp”,”56e_revslider_navigations”,”56e_revslider_navigations_bkp”,”56e_revslider_sliders”,”56e_revslider_sliders_bkp”,”56e_revslider_slides”,”56e_revslider_slides_bkp”,”56e_revslider_static_slides”,”56e_revslider_static_slides_bkp”],”tables_to_skip”:[],”updraft_encryptionphrase”:””,”updraft_restorer_wpcore_includewpconfig”:false,”updraft_incremental_restore_point”:-1}
    0000.116 () Entity: db
    0000.116 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2023-10-08-0809_Bits_of_Universe_3fb4bdb14f3d-db.gz, type=db, info=a:0:{}, last_one=1)
    0000.117 () Scompattamento del backup… (backup_2023-10-08-0809_Bits_of_Universe_3fb4bdb14f3d-db.gz, 1.6 Mb)
    0000.121 () Database successfully unpacked
    0000.121 () Ripristino del database (su un sito di grandi dimensioni questa operazione potrebbe richiedere molto tempo – se si verifica un timeout (che può accadere se la vostra società di web hosting ha configurato il vostro hosting per limitare le risorse) è necessario utilizzare un metodo diverso, come ad esempio phpMyAdmin) …
    0000.121 () Using direct MySQL access; value of use_mysqli is: 1
    0000.248 () Max packet size: 256 MB
    0000.248 () Entering maintenance mode
    0000.249 () Attivazione modalità di manutenzione in corso…
    0000.270 () Backup of: https://www.bitsofuniverse.com
    0000.270 () Content URL: https://www.bitsofuniverse.com/wp-content
    0000.270 () Uploads URL: https://www.bitsofuniverse.com/wp-content/uploads
    0000.270 () Old table prefix: 56e_
    0000.270 () Old ABSPATH: /home4/pixelcar/public_html/bitsofuniverse/
    0000.270 () UpdraftPlus plugin slug: updraftplus/updraftplus.php
    0000.270 () Site information: multisite=0
    0000.270 () Site information: sql_mode=NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION
    0000.272 () New table prefix: f8_
    0000.274 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_options – will restore as: f8_options
    0000.365 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_options)
    0000.366 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_options) to final table name (56e_options)
    0000.367 () Restoring prior UD configuration (table: 56e_options; keys: 4)
    0000.380 () Search and replacing table: 56e_options: rows: 397
    0000.442 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_users – will restore as: f8_users
    0000.457 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_users)
    0000.458 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_users) to final table name (56e_users)
    0000.460 () Search and replacing table: 56e_users: rows: 1
    0000.460 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_usermeta – will restore as: f8_usermeta
    0000.471 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_usermeta)
    0000.474 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_usermeta) to final table name (56e_usermeta)
    0000.478 () Search and replacing table: 56e_usermeta: rows: 37
    0000.480 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_commentmeta – will restore as: f8_commentmeta
    0000.487 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_commentmeta)
    0000.488 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_commentmeta) to final table name (56e_commentmeta)
    0000.491 () Search and replacing table: 56e_commentmeta: rows: 0
    0000.491 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_comments – will restore as: f8_comments
    0000.502 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_comments)
    0000.504 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_comments) to final table name (56e_comments)
    0000.507 () Search and replacing table: 56e_comments: rows: 120
    0000.511 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_links – will restore as: f8_links
    0000.527 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_links)
    0000.529 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_links) to final table name (56e_links)
    0000.533 () Search and replacing table: 56e_links: rows: 0
    0000.533 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_postmeta – will restore as: f8_postmeta
    0001.028 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_postmeta)
    0001.029 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_postmeta) to final table name (56e_postmeta)
    0001.032 () Search and replacing table: 56e_postmeta: rows: 2491
    0001.202 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_posts – will restore as: f8_posts
    0001.529 () Database queries processed: 50 in 1.40 seconds
    0001.539 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_posts)
    0001.541 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_posts) to final table name (56e_posts)
    0001.543 () Skipping search/replace on GUID column in posts table
    0001.543 () Search and replacing table: 56e_posts: rows: 750
    0001.575 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_term_relationships – will restore as: f8_term_relationships
    0001.585 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_term_relationships)
    0001.587 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_term_relationships) to final table name (56e_term_relationships)
    0001.588 () Search and replacing table: 56e_term_relationships: rows: 653
    0001.598 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_term_taxonomy – will restore as: f8_term_taxonomy
    0001.608 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_term_taxonomy)
    0001.609 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_term_taxonomy) to final table name (56e_term_taxonomy)
    0001.611 () Search and replacing table: 56e_term_taxonomy: rows: 125
    0001.613 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_termmeta – will restore as: f8_termmeta
    0001.619 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_termmeta)
    0001.620 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_termmeta) to final table name (56e_termmeta)
    0001.622 () Search and replacing table: 56e_termmeta: rows: 2
    0001.623 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_terms – will restore as: f8_terms
    0001.633 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_terms)
    0001.634 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_terms) to final table name (56e_terms)
    0001.636 () Search and replacing table: 56e_terms: rows: 125
    0001.637 () Processing table (InnoDB): 56e_cky_banners – will restore as: f8_cky_banners
    0001.669 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_cky_banners)
    0001.684 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_cky_banners) to final table name (56e_cky_banners)
    0001.691 () Search and replacing table: 56e_cky_banners: rows: 2
    0001.693 () Processing table (InnoDB): 56e_cky_cookie_categories – will restore as: f8_cky_cookie_categories
    0001.712 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_cky_cookie_categories)
    0001.725 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_cky_cookie_categories) to final table name (56e_cky_cookie_categories)
    0001.732 () Search and replacing table: 56e_cky_cookie_categories: rows: 5
    0001.733 () Processing table (InnoDB): 56e_cky_cookies – will restore as: f8_cky_cookies
    0001.758 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_cky_cookies)
    0001.775 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_cky_cookies) to final table name (56e_cky_cookies)
    0001.783 () Search and replacing table: 56e_cky_cookies: rows: 0
    0001.783 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_newsletter – will restore as: f8_newsletter
    0001.794 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_newsletter)
    0001.795 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_newsletter) to final table name (56e_newsletter)
    0001.801 () Search and replacing table: 56e_newsletter: rows: 35
    0001.803 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_newsletter_emails – will restore as: f8_newsletter_emails
    0001.822 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_newsletter_emails)
    0001.823 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_newsletter_emails) to final table name (56e_newsletter_emails)
    0001.831 () Search and replacing table: 56e_newsletter_emails: rows: 1
    0001.836 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_newsletter_sent – will restore as: f8_newsletter_sent
    0001.850 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_newsletter_sent)
    0001.852 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_newsletter_sent) to final table name (56e_newsletter_sent)
    0001.853 () Search and replacing table: 56e_newsletter_sent: rows: 1
    0001.854 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_newsletter_stats – will restore as: f8_newsletter_stats
    0001.865 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_newsletter_stats)
    0001.866 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_newsletter_stats) to final table name (56e_newsletter_stats)
    0001.868 () Search and replacing table: 56e_newsletter_stats: rows: 51
    0001.869 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_newsletter_user_logs – will restore as: f8_newsletter_user_logs
    0001.878 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_newsletter_user_logs)
    0001.879 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_newsletter_user_logs) to final table name (56e_newsletter_user_logs)
    0001.890 () Search and replacing table: 56e_newsletter_user_logs: rows: 46
    0001.892 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_revslider_css – will restore as: f8_revslider_css
    0001.907 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_revslider_css)
    0001.908 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_revslider_css) to final table name (56e_revslider_css)
    0001.912 () Search and replacing table: 56e_revslider_css: rows: 112
    0001.920 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_revslider_css_bkp – will restore as: f8_revslider_css_bkp
    0001.933 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_revslider_css_bkp)
    0001.934 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_revslider_css_bkp) to final table name (56e_revslider_css_bkp)
    0001.937 () Search and replacing table: 56e_revslider_css_bkp: rows: 47
    0001.939 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_revslider_layer_animations – will restore as: f8_revslider_layer_animations
    0001.947 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_revslider_layer_animations)
    0001.948 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_revslider_layer_animations) to final table name (56e_revslider_layer_animations)
    0001.950 () Search and replacing table: 56e_revslider_layer_animations: rows: 1
    0001.951 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_revslider_layer_animations_bkp – will restore as: f8_revslider_layer_animations_bkp
    0001.956 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_revslider_layer_animations_bkp)
    0001.957 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_revslider_layer_animations_bkp) to final table name (56e_revslider_layer_animations_bkp)
    0001.961 () Search and replacing table: 56e_revslider_layer_animations_bkp: rows: 0
    0001.961 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_revslider_navigations – will restore as: f8_revslider_navigations
    0001.971 () Database queries processed: 100 in 1.84 seconds
    0001.974 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_revslider_navigations)
    0001.983 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_revslider_navigations) to final table name (56e_revslider_navigations)
    0001.985 () Search and replacing table: 56e_revslider_navigations: rows: 0
    0001.985 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_revslider_navigations_bkp – will restore as: f8_revslider_navigations_bkp
    0001.989 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_revslider_navigations_bkp)
    0001.990 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_revslider_navigations_bkp) to final table name (56e_revslider_navigations_bkp)
    0001.992 () Search and replacing table: 56e_revslider_navigations_bkp: rows: 0
    0001.992 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_revslider_sliders – will restore as: f8_revslider_sliders
    0001.998 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_revslider_sliders)
    0001.999 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_revslider_sliders) to final table name (56e_revslider_sliders)
    0002.001 () Search and replacing table: 56e_revslider_sliders: rows: 3
    0002.003 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_revslider_sliders_bkp – will restore as: f8_revslider_sliders_bkp
    0002.007 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_revslider_sliders_bkp)
    0002.008 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_revslider_sliders_bkp) to final table name (56e_revslider_sliders_bkp)
    0002.011 () Search and replacing table: 56e_revslider_sliders_bkp: rows: 0
    0002.011 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_revslider_slides – will restore as: f8_revslider_slides
    0002.019 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_revslider_slides)
    0002.020 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_revslider_slides) to final table name (56e_revslider_slides)
    0002.022 () Search and replacing table: 56e_revslider_slides: rows: 9
    0002.030 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_revslider_slides_bkp – will restore as: f8_revslider_slides_bkp
    0002.035 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_revslider_slides_bkp)
    0002.036 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_revslider_slides_bkp) to final table name (56e_revslider_slides_bkp)
    0002.040 () Search and replacing table: 56e_revslider_slides_bkp: rows: 0
    0002.040 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_revslider_static_slides – will restore as: f8_revslider_static_slides
    0002.047 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_revslider_static_slides)
    0002.048 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_revslider_static_slides) to final table name (56e_revslider_static_slides)
    0002.056 () Search and replacing table: 56e_revslider_static_slides: rows: 3
    0002.056 () Processing table (MyISAM): 56e_revslider_static_slides_bkp – will restore as: f8_revslider_static_slides_bkp
    0002.064 () UpdraftVault: this site has not been connected – check your settings
    0002.553 () Successfully updated and refreshed the access token
    0003.720 () Unlocking database and leaving maintenance mode
    0003.720 () Disattivazione modalità di manutenzione in corso…
    0003.720 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (56e_revslider_static_slides_bkp)
    0003.721 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (f8_revslider_static_slides_bkp) to final table name (56e_revslider_static_slides_bkp)
    0003.724 () Search and replacing table: 56e_revslider_static_slides_bkp: rows: 0
    0003.724 () Finished: lines processed: 119 in 3.59 seconds
    0003.725 () Pulizia del sistema…
    0003.725 () Begin search and replace (updraftplus_restored_db)
    0003.725 () [Database-replace-site-url] Database: search and replace site URL
    0003.725 () This option was not selected.
    0003.749 () Restore successful!
    0003.749 () Restore successful

    This reply has been marked as moderator-only.
    Paul Bevan


    Thank you for your message.

    In the first instance please could you temporarily disable any caching plugins you have installed and try re-saving permalinks by navigating to WordPress >> Settings >> Permalinks and then without making any changes click Save Changes.

    If this does not solve the problem, you could perform a plugin conflict test by deactivating all plugins and then re-activating them one by one to find the one causing the issue.




    Thank you Paul, this resolved the problem!

    Paul Bevan

    You’re welcome.



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