Non-WP tables skipped during backup (“filtered”)

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  • #2012784
    Susan Buckman

    I just purchased Updraft Premium so that I could have my non-wp tables (same database) included in the backups, and set the option as required. But, when backing up, those tables are skipped.

    0000.076 (0) Beginning creation of database dump (WordPress DB)
    0000.076 (0) All tables found will be backed up (indicated by backupdb_nonwp option)

    0000.720 (0) Skipping table (filtered): fcvc_0_constants
    0000.720 (0) Skipping table (filtered): fcvc_0_testing
    0000.720 (0) Skipping table (filtered): fcvc_1_admin_sections
    0000.721 (0) Skipping table (filtered): fcvc_1_report_sections

    Any advice on how to fix this?

    Susan Buckman
    This reply has been marked as moderator-only.
    Paul Bevan


    Thank you for your message. Would it be possible for you to share the full log file via pastebin please?



    Susan Buckman

    Thanks for your response!

    Whatever it was seems to have corrected itself as the backup yesterday seems to have backed up my non-wp tables:

    Is there a way to view the contents after the back-up is complete without looking at the log?

    Thanks again :-)


    It looks like all tables are being backed up. Unfortunately, you will need to view the log for this information.
    It looks like you could do with optimizing your DB as you are getting some warnings about large tables, we do have a free plugin for this WordPress Optimize (

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