I’m using Nextcloud 9 (Version 30.0.02) and UpdraftPlus on WordPress 6.7.1. In the last years the backup works. I don’t know since when the backup doesn’t work. I think one of the updates of updraft or Nextcloud are the problem.
At the moment I can’t connect the Nextcloud. If I pushed the button “Test webdav settings”, I get the message “WebDav Einstellungs Testergebnis: Fehlgeschlagen: Es war uns nicht möglich, eine Datei in dieses Verzeichnis zu legen – bitte kontrolliere deine Zugangsdaten.” “WebDav Settings Test Result: Failed: We were unable to place a file in this directory – please check your login details.”
The login is correct, I can login on Nextcloud. The folder is also correct. It works in the last time.
I can’t find any error in the log files on my wordpress or Nextcloud server.
Has somebody a idea?
best regards