Errors when uploading restore files

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    Hi there – i just bought the premium version because i was using using free version, and in order to move a site from network solutions to godaddy, i found i couldnt do it in the free version.

    So basically, a couple months ago, using the free version, i backed up my site from network solutions. not knowing at the time that i needed the paid version to transfer, we then shut down the network solutions site and account. I then went, setup the domain on the new hosting account in godaddy, installed the free version of updraft plus and subsequently found that i could not restore the files in the free version.

    I forgot about it for a while, and now my client wants the site back up. So i purchased updraft plus today and went to restore those previous files i had downloaded. I got errors in one file (the file) and when i try to go to the website it doesnt appear anything is restored.

    I dont know if there is anything else ii have to do – but i cant go into the old hosting for files because that is completely shut down.

    can someone please help?

    Thank you



    I figured it out – didnt realize there was a separate migrator extension. Sorry to waste time. It is fixed now. Thank you!

    Bryle Crodua


    Glad you were able to figure it out.


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