Hosting: Memory problems


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  • #347248
    Petra Schultz

    I use the backup feature of updraft on several sites. Two of them are now causing problems. I use updraft vault as backup device. But on two sites updraft tries to store the backups in the root of the hoster. Memory usage is exploding there because updraft does not erase the old backups. I changed nothing in my routines. What is happening there and how can I get rid of that.
    Many greetings,

    Bryle Crodua

    Hi Petra,

    Please could you send us a copy of the latest backup log? This can be found in the UpdraftPlus Existing Backups tab.

    The contents will be too long to post here directly, but you can use an online service such as Dropbox or Pastebin, and post the link here.

    Best Wishes,

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