Storage Question

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    I have my backups set to go to a cloud service, which they do. I have it set to keep 4 backups per website at a time. However, I recently noticed, that it is also storing those backups on the server as well. Is there a reason why it keeps the 4 backups on the server, when I have it set to go to a cloud service? Ideally I wouldn’t want them to take up server space. But if my only way to do that is to set the retainment to 0, please let me know.

    Bryle Crodua

    Hi Michael,

    If you want to delete local backups, you can check “Delete local backup:” option from UpdraftPlus > Settings > Show expert settings.

    This will delete the local backups after the backups are successfully sent to your remote storage.

    Best Wishes,


    Perfect, thank you. Does updraft do one or the other by default? Odd that half of my installs are checked & the other half aren’t.

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