Now in Chinese!

UpdraftPlus is now available in one of the world’s most important languages: Chinese (locale: zh_CN). All new installations will include the work of K L Wang ( The list of translations is now: Polish, Chinese, Italian (95% translated or...

New release looking good!

The new release of UpdraftPlus was made just over 9 hours ago… so far there’s been over 1300 downloads, and zero (none, zilch, nil) support requests of any kind in the intervening time interval. So, thus far, it’s looking like a good one! To get your...

Parli italiano?

If you do speak Italian, then we’ve got some great news for you. Francesco Carpana has just finished translating UpdraftPlus into Italian. All future downloads of UpdraftPlus from or include his work. (The SVN server...

Sending backup and reports by email

One of UpdraftPlus’s features is to allow sending both backups and and backup reports via email. By sending a report by email, you can easily keep an eye on success and failure (handy tip: set up a filter in your email program  to delete the successes, once you...

UpdraftPlus 1.6.17 is released

The latest stable version of UpdraftPlus has been released for both free and premium customers. We recommend that everyone updates – this is our best UpdraftPlus yet! In short: Migration improvements, lots of stability fixes, lots of tweaks to make the interface...