How much free disk space do I need to create a backup?

This question is only interesting or relevant if a) you do not have an “unlimited” hosting plan and b) you are already using more than (approximately) 25% of your web hosting plan’s web space. The very short answer is: theoretically, up to...

I get SSL certificate errors when backing up and/or restoring

SSL is a technology used to help you make sure that a) you really are communicating with the people you thought you were (authentication) and b) your communications with them cannot be eaves-dropped by others along the way (encryption). SSL uses entities called...

What does the error “Error: redirect_uri_mismatch” mean?

It means that you wrongly copied across the URL shown in your admin console to Google Drive/Cloud at the relevant step. Please return to the relevant step of the instructions (these instructions, for Google Drive, or these ones, for Google Cloud Storage), and try...