How can I become an affiliate marketer for UpdraftPlus if I’m a developer or offer web hosting services?

If you’re a developer or provide web hosting services and want to promote UpdraftPlus as an affiliate, start by adding the free version of UpdraftPlus to the WordPress sites you create for your clients.

To earn commissions when clients upgrade, you’ll need to customize the plugin to use your affiliate links. This involves creating a custom PHP file (like updraftplus-affiliate.php) and putting it in the mu-plugins folder of your WordPress site.

Inside this file, define your affiliate ID using a code snippet. Here’s an example:

//Enter your Affiliate ID here by replacing 1234 with your Affiliate ID
define("UPDRAFT_AFFILIATE_ID", "1234");



$url = $url . "?afref=".UPDRAFT_AFFILIATE_ID;
return $url;

This ensures that when clients upgrade, you’ll get commission for the sale. For more details on our affiliate program guidelines and terms, please see our Affiliate Guidelines and Affiliate Scheme Terms & Conditions.

Ready to get started? Sign up for our affiliate program here.

Posted in: Affiliate Marketing
