How many sites can I migrate with UpdraftPlus?

  • The UpdraftMigrator add-on is unlimited.
  • You can also migrate an unlimited number of sites with the free version of UpdraftPlus by downloading your backups from the source site, and uploading / restoring them onto the destination site. You’ll need to install UpdraftPlus on the site you’re migrating from and to.
  • The migration functionality of UpdraftPlus Premium is also unlimited, regardless of how many licenses you’ve bought.

For UpdraftPlus Premium, after installing the plugin, go to the Premium/Extensions tab and connect the plugin to your license (you may need to log in first).

You will then have the option of activating UpdraftPlus Premium (currently called ‘all add-ons’ in the plugin) or the ‘One-click Migration add-on’.

Activating the Migration add-on only will not take up one of your Premium licenses.


Posted in: Migration
