When installing, my web hosting says there’s a maximum file size I can upload – what can I do?

If, when installing UpdraftPlus, you get an error message saying that your webserver has configured a limit for uploaded file sizes, and that the plugin is too large, then you can use any of these solutions…

1) Recommended, easiest:

Install the free “Upload Larger Plugins” plugin from the WordPress plugin repository. Just go to “Plugins -> Add New” in your WordPress dashboard, search for it, install it, and activate it.

2) Install the plugin manually:

  • Unzip it on your PC/Mac (you will then get a folder called ‘updraftplus’)
  • Use FTP to upload it into your webspace, in the wp-content/plugins folder, so that it becomes wp-content/plugins/updraftplus.
  • Navigate to your WP dashboard to activate it.

Learn more about how WordPress installs plugins here.

3) Increase the configured upload size limit:

if your web hosting allows you to, by editing a php.ini file. Use FTP to create a file called php.ini (or edit the existing one, if there is one) in the same directory of your WordPress site, with these contents (UpdraftPlus is around 7MB):

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 40M

; Must be greater than or equal to upload_max_filesize
post_max_size = 40M

If that fails, try placing the php.ini file in the wp-admin folder instead. If that fails, you’ll need to ask your web hosting company for guidance.

Posted in: Installation and de-installation
