Hello UpdraftPlus Team,
I currently use UpdraftPlus to backup my sites. For my documents (etc) I use Nextcloud with 1TB of storage and wanted to upload my backups there.
I already tried everything:
– Path as given in the docs (remote.php/dav/…)
– SLL on or off
– Ports as given via HTTP/HTTPS
– changeing username / password
I always get errors like “Unauthorized” with SSL and “302 Moved temporarily” Errors when accessing the WebDAV Server.
My config: https://ibb.co/sHLYJrm
Error (SSL): https://ibb.co/tDbBqv3
Error (No SSL): https://ibb.co/VH0vTgW
I’ve checked the credentials multiple times, they are correct. I also tried the following paths:
– remote.php/dav/…
– nextcloud/remote.php/dav/…
I hope anyone can help me with the provided informations. If there is something missing, feel free to contact me! :)
Best regards,