Can't get licence to renew at my site

UpdraftPlus Home Forums Paid support forum – UpdraftPlus backup plugin Can't get licence to renew at my site

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  • #208030

    Hi! I just purchased a renewal licence to my UpDraft multisite-plugin but I can’t get the plugin to update or the renewal-warnings to dissappear. I’ve changed my page to https (http is no longer in use) is this the cause and if it is can I get my licence to change from https:// to https:// or did I just purchase the renewal in vain….? I installed the UpDraft plugin from scratch and it didn’t do the trick…


    Dee Nutbourne


    Apologies, it appears that our system did not recognise your purchase as a renewal. As such, your site was stuck on the old licence.

    I have now updated your licence to reflect your purchase. Please could you try to update again?

    Best Wishes,
    David N



    Thanks for the help! I got it working now. I renewed the migrator part so then it let me update the plugin to the newest version. I didn’t have it activated (migrator) in this site but still it seemed to require that to be renewed. So the issue was resolved.


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