Chrome Version 45.0.2454.93 m

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  • #128895

    Hi I updated to the latest version Version:
    and every time I clicked the Backup button nothing happened.
    The migrate button works but not the Backup

    anyway 2 hours later I found that it works in Firefox but not chrome
    my version is Chrome Version 45.0.2454.93 m

    Is this just happening to me? or is there an issue?
    Would appreciate some feedback

    Thanks in Advance.



    Try de-activating all your Chrome extensions, and seeing if that makes a difference. (Reload the UD settings page afterwards). If it does, then re-activate them one-by-one to find the culprit – and please report the problem to the extension author. (Extensions have the power to do basically anything on a page – but the page has no power to do anything to browser extensions, to prevent them).


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