Feature Request: Backup Labels

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  • #118319
    Saint Paul Media

    Labeling the backups is nice for the site that’s being backed up. However, when migrating to a live site from a dev server (using a backup from say Google Drive) the only information I have is the time that the backup was made. Normally not an issue, but I’m wondering, just for ease of use, if we could get the label we create to be attached to that backup in addition to the time of the backup?

    Right now, the process I use is to backup dev site (creating a label), and that backup now shows with the time and label on the dev site. I then go to the live site, and choose restore, but the only thing that shows in the label is the date/time of the backup.

    It’s a small thing that doesn’t really disrupt my workload, but having the label on the backup that displays on the backups list would ease my mind quite a bit!


    Hi Sean,

    If a database is uploaded directly into UpdraftPlus, on the settings page, then it will import the label. The complex bit with a database that is not available locally, but is on Google Drive, is that to import the label, it needs downloading. This can’t be done synchronously, as then network congestion or a very large database would block other activity. If it’s done asynchronously, that has other complexities (and can’t display instantly upon import). It would be nice, and it’s something we’d like to do. But the complexity of it means there are other things higher up the list. Thanks for mentioning it, though – the fact that it’s been mentioned helps us to gauge what’s most important.

    Do note, though, that when you restore, before you actually restore, UD will advise you where the backup comes from (which site – so you can see it’s the live site, as well as its date time). I’m not 100% sure it doesn’t import the label at that point and shows you it, pre-restore – I suspect not. I will add it to the list of things to look at!

    Best wishes,

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