I purchased premium which is banned by hosting company and need refund

UpdraftPlus Home Forums Paid support forum – UpdraftPlus backup plugin I purchased premium which is banned by hosting company and need refund

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  • #394078

    Hi Support, I purchased the UpDraftPlus Premium product less then 10 minutes ago with the Vault. However, when I uploaded it to my WordPress site, I was told it is a banned product with my hosting company (Kinsta) as it conflicts with their backup solution. So can you please cancel my purchase and provide a refund. Thank you. ORDER NUMBER: 394066

    Below is links as proof:

    Do You Have a List of Banned and Incompatible Plugins?




    Hi Ryan,

    Please could I ask you to get some more information from them? That page says “all non-incremental backups are not allowed”; however, UpdraftPlus Premium includes incremental backups. So, it shouldn’t be banned (as long as you configure it to use incremental backups). You could tell them that they can test for the presence of the file wp-content/plugins/updraftplus/addons/incremental.php to see if the capability is installed.



    Hi David, It will could potentially cause problems with my Kinsta backup. I tried to upload and activate it and did not activate properly, I could not even go to the UpDraft dashboard. I contacted your support within 15 minutes of purchase, I this would be simple.

    Can you please cancel my purchase and do a refund. Thank you.



    Hi Ryan,

    No problem. Please post at https://updraftplus.com/paid-support-requests/ so that it gets through to our billing team (who won’t necessarily drop by this usage support forum). I was just requesting so that the information could get through to Kinsta that UpdraftPlus now supports incremental backups so an automatic ban is out-of-date. If you don’t have time for that, no worries!



    Actually – I’ve created a ticket in there for you; no need to DIY!


    Hi David, I purchased updraft after research, on the main WordPress Facebook group, so I also wanted it to work. But right now, I can’t risk anything that could cause issues on this particular site. But I have second website which I am launching soon, with a different host, where it won’t be an issue. So I may purchase UpdraftPlus at that time.

    I completed the form in the link you gave. It was submitted. But there was no option for billing or account related question. So, I chose the option that seemed to match closely. However, if you could email your billing department, it would be appreciated.

    Also, I understand having a forum support for non-paying customers. But I am very surprised that paying customers also have to use a forum for support. I was expecting “at least” email support for billing or account issues.

    Anyway, I would be grateful if it can be processed quickly, as PayPal advised me to contact the company in the first instance. Thank you for your assistance with this.



    I am sorry, I did not see your ticket post when I typed up that message, as I had not refreshed the page. Thank you for creating a ticket. I am grateful.


    Hi Ryan,

    You don’t have to use a forum for support – this is a ticket system and replies (which you can then reply to) come by email: https://updraftplus.com/paid-support-requests/.

    Our accounts team process refund requests approximately every 24 hours.

    Best wishes,


    Thanks David for clearing that up. You have been great. On a positive note, the response on forum is very fast.

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