Media Library

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    Hi we are an online magazine and have recently changed our WordPress theme from Style to Avada. When we switched to our new theme we used the bog standard export/import facility on WordPress to import our blog psts, back issues and media library over.

    Whilst the text moved over, most of the images didn’t so after much research, we purchased UpdraftPlus Migrate tool and restored our uploads. The information was split into 14 different folders, but when we restored them, the images weren’t there and our original (new) content had been overwritten. We are currently waiting to see if our service provider is able to restore our site to the previous version, which will be much quicker for us.

    In the meantime, I’d love some advise on how to achieve the results were after, if it’s possible.

    Our website is

    The content on is all current, but if you look under the blog or back issues tabs, you are redirected out of our main site. This is the content we’re trying to incorporate back into our main site. As I said the text has come over, just not the images. Can we use Migrate to clone and upload these images to our media library and will they automatically overwrite our current media as we need both?

    I’m assuming it can be done and would be grateful if you could tell me how?

    Kind Regards

    Dee Nutbourne

    Hi Lora,

    When migrating, UpdraftPlus will overwrite the existing content.

    In the case of the file backups (Uploads, Plugins, Themes), the old content is moved into temporary backup directories suffixed with ‘-old’. E.g. If restoring the Uploads file backup, the old files in ‘wp-content/uploads’ will be moved to ‘wp-content/uploads-old’.
    The database backup completely overwrites the existing database content (e.g. options, posts, pages, etc.).

    If your hosts are able to restore the new site from before the migration (or you restore an UpdraftPlus backup of the new site from before the migration), could you check the Media Library in WP Admin? Are the records of the missing images present (i.e. they appear in the Media Library, but the image itself is an error)?

    If so, you can download the Uploads backup files, unzip them and upload the contents to the new site’s ‘wp-content/uploads’ directory via FTP.

    I would also recommend using the Search/Replace database tool in the UpdraftPlus Advanced tools tab to ensure that all URLs in the database have been updated to the new URL.

    Best Wishes,
    David N

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