I have a WordPress multisite hosted on OVH. The main domain of the site is http://www.ledomainedestroistilleuls.be. Currently, I have a WordPress site with a simple landing page that points to the main domain, which allowed me to develop the site on one of the sub-sites of the multisite, which currently has the URL: http://www.ledomainedestroistilleuls.be/cabane-champetre.
Now that the site present on http://www.ledomainedestroistilleuls.be/cabane-champetre is finalized, I want to move it to my main URL and no longer have it as a sub-site.
I have installed the Updraft Migrator plugin (I also have Updraft Premium) on the main site and the subsite, but when I try to follow the migration procedure, I receive an error message from Updraft.Error: The entered key does not belong to a remote site (it belongs to this one).
And yet the plugin is not network-activated.
What can i do ?