Our sites (about 10) have been working and backing up for years(s) without issue, and suddenly last week multiple ones started doing this.
The quick fix is to disable remote storage, but I’d prefer not to make that a permanent solution.
Backup Report Backup made by UpdraftPlus Backup of: http://our.domain.net Latest status: The backup attempt has finished, apparently unsuccessfully Backup began: 2024-02-27 02:15 Contains: Files and database (Full backup) Errors / warnings: 1 errors, 0 warnings Errors A PHP fatal error (Error) has occurred: Undefined constant “NET_SCP_LOCAL_FILE” Time taken: 0 hours, 14 minutes, 56 seconds Uploaded to: SFTP / SCP Plugins (files: 1) backup_2024-02-27-0215_Our_Website_b0862ab49b49-plugins.zip Size: 62.5 MB, SHA1 checksum: (removed), SHA256 checksum: (removed) Database (files: 1) backup_2024-02-27-0215_Our_Website_b0862ab49b49-db.gz Size: 0.5 MB, SHA1 checksum: (removed), SHA256 checksum: (removed) The log file has been attached to this email.
I asked out server admin, he said no recent server patches, no software changes. We have been on PHP 8.x for a while.