One Drive backup failure

  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Bryle Crodua.
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  • #655558
    Kevin Hedges

    I have two sites one is working and the other failed on the last backup. The site that backs up to Dropbox is working and the UpdraftPlus version shows as however I have a second site that backs up to my One Drive Account and on this one the backup due to be done last Sunday at 6.00PM failed and I have noticed that I get the following error “You have requested saving to remote storage (Microsoft One-drive), but without entering any settings for that storage.” .
    The problem on that site the UpdraftPlus version shows as and although the One drive backups have been working without fail for over 2 months it thinks now my UpdraftPlus is the free version and i need to purchase the one drive module again. There is no option to reconfigure the One Drive login anymore that I can see.
    It appears that UpdraftPlus Premium upgrade failed on this site but i cant see anyway to upgrade it to the latest version to resolve my problem.

    Kevin Hedges
    This reply has been marked as moderator-only.
    Bryle Crodua

    Hi Kevin,


    It appears that you have not yet installed the add-ons. The last digit in a 4-part version number is the number of installed add-ons. If you have, that means you have 0 add-on/s installed.

    The most common values are:

    .0 – No add-ons installed
    .1 – A single add-on installed
    .24 – All add-ons installed (full Premium)

    Please connect the plugin to our license server by entering your username and password in the “Premium/Extensions” tab.


    Kevin Hedges

    Thankyou for the reply but you skipped over the most important part of my support call, the backups were working for the past 2 months and I had enabled the addons, it appears that an update failed on one site and as a result the addons were disabled.
    It is good to know about the 4-part version number for future reference.
    I did logon using the premium account this morning and the application reinstalled its self and I activated the one drive account again, it said I was already authenticated to my one drive account at which point I did a manual backup which now succeeded.
    You do a notification to our email accounts when a backup occurs maybe one should be sent when an update fails then an admin can investigate this further just a suggestion.
    Please close this call.

    Bryle Crodua


    Just to clarify.

    it appears that an update failed on one site and as a result the addons were disabled.
    > If reconnection does not work then try re-installing the plugin. It is possible that the update has failed partway.

    You do a notification to our email accounts when a backup occurs maybe one should be sent when an update fails then an admin can investigate this further just a suggestion.
    > I would suggest checking this plugin –


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