Problem testing BackBlaze integration

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  • This topic has 8 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by udadmin.
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    I chose to add the BackBlaze B2 Cloud storage to the Updraft storage.
    For this I created a BackBlaze account, created a “bucket” and filled out all the information required on the UpdraftPlus screen directing the BackBlaze integration, that is:
    Account Id
    Application Key
    Backup path.
    I then used the “Test Backblaze Settings” button to test the integration to BackBlaze and I get an error message that seems to come from the WP site I am trying to setup on BackBlaze.
    The message says:
    “BackBlaze settings test result: Failled: Error when attempting to setup BackBlaze access (please check your credentials). Invalid authorization token (401 Exception, etc…….”

    The message seems to be issued by the WP website I am trying to back up.
    If that is the case, where should add the credentials necessary for BackBlaze to backup this site???
    Thank you for your help



    Ultimately, it’s BackBlaze which authorises the credentials, and returns the pass/fail result – UD is just the conduit for that. As such, if you’ve entered correct creds and they don’t work, you’ll need to talk to B2 support.

    Having said that, I vaguely recall in our testing that sometimes it takes a few moments for B2 to accept the credentials after you first created them. So, if you’d only just created the credentials, it may be worth waiting a few minutes and then trying again first.



    This is definitely a problem. I just purchased the 70$ UD package to get BB backups. I went to BB, copied my account ID and generated a application key for one of my buckets. Entered the information THREE times into UD+, clicked test and it didn’t work. I’ve waited 10 minutes, tried generating a second key, tested with that, still nothing. I’m copying + pasting directly from Backblaze into UD+ to rule out typing errors. I’ll give it another hour but this doesn’t seem to work.

    Edit: Tried performing a curl call directly to BB’s api, fails there too. going to contact support


    Same error here. The master application key worked though.

    Anyone else using B2, have you gotten it to work with a non-master application key?


    This is also a problem for me. I wanted to remove access with the master key because I have other backup buckets that is not related to updraftplus on that account.
    When I instead use an application key it instantly stops working. I have tried making multiple keys and waited 20 minutes, nothing works.
    This is the only reason I pay for updraftplus, is this going to be fixed?

    Dee Nutbourne

    Hi Staffan,

    Do your application keys work in any other BackBlaze app?

    If you run the BackBlaze settings test, what is the message returned in the pop-up?

    Best Wishes,
    David N


    Hi all,

    I have the same issue. Can’t validate the credentials with my newly created B2 bucket.

    Have you been able to solve this issue?



    IF I use my main account id in the input box for ”Account ID” + application key in the box below I get this:

    “Bacbblaze settings testresult: Failed: Error when attempting to setup Backblaze access (please check your credentials): (404, Exception) (line: 108, file / home/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/updraftplus/includes/Backblaze/CurlClient.php)”

    IF I use applicationKeyId: in the input box for ”Account ID” + application key in the box below I get this:

    “Bacbblaze settings testresult: Exeption: accountid invalid (400, Exeption) (line: 108, file / home/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/updraftplus/includes/Backblaze/CurlClient.php) Failed: We could not place a file in that folder, check your access rights.”

    I am translating from my own language so perhaps the english error message version would look a bit different.

    When I asked backblaze about issues like this I got this reply:

    “The introduction of manually created Application Keys and Key IDs is a fairly recent development. As a result, some integrations are still a little behind in their verbiage or, in some cases, functionality.”

    Backup to dropbox works fine via updraftplus, it seems though that B2 is too barebone and developer focused for me so I don´t have time at the moment to fight with the lack of user-friendliness. I am not looking for maximum configuration possibilities, I just want to backup my wordpress site to another location than the local server it is already on. This is why I paid to get freedom to choose between many vendors of backup space but it seems the B2 option is not working well. It is unfortunate because it works so well for my computer backup but not for wordpress.



    Only the master key is currently supported. We don’t yet support Backblaze’s new limited-key functionality. That should be in a release next month, all being well (it is already in testing).


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