Repeated Migrator Failure

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    I am trying to migrate a rather large site to a sandbox for a few reasons.
    1. I want to experience the process and see how long it takes to migrate/restore our core website
    2. I want to use that duplicate to test a big design change.

    So far I am on my FIFTH fresh WordPress install due to repeated failures of the Migrator.

    This last dismal failure choked at Searching and Replacing Tables at the first counter of 5000 of 59000.
    When I go to the error log it shows that it was working on row 10,000, but the back end choked at 5000 and was stuck there for three hours.

    I’d have sent a note from within the site but it ALWAYS crashes the site causing me to wipe and start the process over again.

    When it comes to restoring or migrating a website, so far this is not inspiring any confidence.
    (Note I was hoping for a great experience with the Migrator product so as to upgrade to the full product within my 14 day period, but so far 14 days, 5 fresh WordPress installs and I need some help to see if the Migrator can handle a large website.


    Hi John,

    I need some help to see if the Migrator can handle a large website.

    Any size website can be handled – but your web hosting needs to be set up with a sufficient timeout relative to the size of the database that you’re trying to process through it. The description above indicates that the webserver has a timeout and is killing off the PHP process before it’s managed to get through all of the rows in your database. That’s unusual – it’s a few months since I’ve had a report of that. You should ask your web hosting company about what timeouts they imposed on PHP processes. Who are you with?

    Best wishes,


    Thanks David,
    Currently using Hostgator with a dedicated IP account. I appreciate the timely response.


    Hi John,

    If you look at the log (find it in wp-content/updraft), then what is the last timing? i.e. What’s the apparent timeout?

    And, how big is your db.gz database backup file?

    Hostgator are one I recognise (along and some GoDaddy service levels) for being very tight on the resources they supply, so this is probably an attempt to put quarts into pint pots. But with the above info, I can suggest what you could ask their support desk to do for you.

    Best wishes,


    110,000kb on the database file and 2217.41 seconds on the last reported time.


    I too am having this experience. I’m migrating from MediaTemple to DigitalOcean.

    I’m starting with a completely fresh install of WordPress in D.O. and migrating from Dropbox. I’m able to recover everything except the database. I’ve imported all available backup files and have checked the “Search and Replace” option. I’ve tried a collective restore as well as separate restorations so that I could isolate the problem. As a test, I left the “Search and Replace” option unchecked on one restore, it did as expected and redirected me back to the origin domain. This is very frustrating, as I need to content migrated and the file is only 219kb.

    I should note that the recovery/migration is shown as being successful. However, when you try to return to Updraft or navigate to another page in the admin, the site is blank. I’ve recovered the entire instance 6 times now.

    I paid $40 for the Updraft plugin and Migrator and things are not working properly.


    Hi Joe,

    Please fill in the form at – and include your migration log file when you do so, as then we’ll have some information to go on.

    Having said that… if it shows as a successful restore, but you get random blank pages, then it’s very likely that your problem is that you’ve not configured your WordPress install with enough memory; please see:

    Best wishes,


    Submitting now with log file.


    Hi Joe,

    Thanks for the log file. It does show success, and UpdraftPlus doesn’t hook into other pages of the admin area. Therefore, your blank pages are caused by PHP crashing due to a lack of memory. Please see:

    Best wishes,

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