Restoration and Migration Failing

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  • #17935

    UD Version

    Web Sites: (test site – new content) (real site – old content owned by someone else)

    I am unable to get the restore or migration to work for me this week. A couple weeks ago I had backup/restore working on the sthelens site. Previously I did a full restore and edited the wp_config to change the table prefix and the site was restored. I did it a couple times to be sure it was working.

    Since then I have purchased updraftplus premium and of course made additional changes to the site.

    I am ready to migrate it to the real site, but the migration failed. It appeared that it was still pointing back to the sthelens site. So I tried restoring to the test site and it failed as well. When I tested migration I checked both secondary check boxes, wp_config and database update.

    I have complete backups from that
    I want to migrate to

    Both sites are cleaned, reinstalled, and have backups uploaded and ready to restore.

    Thanks, Mike Bacon


    Hi Mike,

    I think our earlier reply went into your spam folder – GMail have been doing that to us a lot lately. Please try to find it and press “Not Spam” so that we can re-educate it!

    Here’s what I emailed you:

    * * *

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the purchase!

    When you’re migrating, ticking the box to include wp-config.php is almost always the wrong thing to do. Try again without! If it fails again,
    then please copy+paste the output of the migration screen for me so that I can get more info on what’s going on.

    Best wishes,


    I have been watching my spam folder but nothing has shown up today.
    I believe I tried using the old wp-config.php once yesterday and then edited the table prefix by hand, but no success.
    I will try it again and post the output.

    Thanks, Mike


    Hi Mike,

    It seems that Google dislike us so much that they delete some of our mail without even getting to the spam folder. It’s a real pain!

    On a migration, you shouldn’t need to touch wp-config.php at all. Leave the option unchecked, and forget about it, and all should be well automatically.



    I did this on the original site, to avoid the complication of a migration until the restoration is working.
    I restored a full backup to the sthelens domain, and left both sub check boxes unchecked.
    I then modified wp-config.php to the correct table prefix.
    And then it prompted me to log in and i got the web page for a new site that still needs WordPress installed.

    To reiterate. I went through all this a couple a weeks ago and it restored to the original domain fine. I was using the free version and I even got this error before I figured it out. In the end all I had to do was modify the table prefix after a restore.

    Thanks, Mike

    First Dialog box

    Downloading / preparing backup files…

    The backup archive files have been processed – if all is well, then now press Restore again to proceed. Otherwise, cancel and correct any problems first.

    Backup of:
    Warning: This looks like a migration (the backup is from a site with a different address/URL), but you did not check the option to search-and-replace the database. That is usually a mistake.

    restore screen

    UpdraftPlus Restoration: Progress

    Final checks

    Looking for db archive: file name: backup_2013-07-23-1850_Columbia_Pregnancy_Center_2782fb3612aa-db.gz
    Archive is expected to be size: 582 Kb: OK
    Looking for others archive: file name:
    Archive is expected to be size: 3 Kb: OK
    Looking for plugins archive: file name:
    Archive is expected to be size: 8466 Kb: OK
    Looking for themes archive: file name:
    Archive is expected to be size: 1636 Kb: OK
    Looking for uploads archive: file name:
    Archive is expected to be size: 17060 Kb: OK
    Looking for wpcore archive: file name:
    Archive is expected to be size: 4530 Kb: OK

    Unpacking backup…

    Restoring the database (on a large site this can take a long time – if it times out (which can happen if your web hosting company has configured your hosting to limit resources) then you should use a different method, such as phpMyAdmin)…

    Backup of:
    Old table prefix: cpc_
    Site information: multisite = 0
    New table prefix: wp_
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_options – will restore as: wp_options
    Table prefix has changed: changing option table field(s) accordingly: OK
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_users – will restore as: wp_users
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_usermeta – will restore as: wp_usermeta
    Table prefix has changed: changing usermeta table field(s) accordingly: OK
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_blc_filters – will restore as: wp_blc_filters
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_blc_instances – will restore as: wp_blc_instances
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_blc_links – will restore as: wp_blc_links
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_blc_synch – will restore as: wp_blc_synch
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_commentmeta – will restore as: wp_commentmeta
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_comments – will restore as: wp_comments
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_cp_contact_form_paypal_discount_codes – will restore as: wp_cp_contact_form_paypal_discount_codes
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_cp_contact_form_paypal_posts – will restore as: wp_cp_contact_form_paypal_posts
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_cp_contact_form_paypal_settings – will restore as: wp_cp_contact_form_paypal_settings
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_cp_donations – will restore as: wp_cp_donations
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_donations – will restore as: wp_donations
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_links – will restore as: wp_links
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_postmeta – will restore as: wp_postmeta
    Database lines processed: 50 in 2.02 seconds
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_posts – will restore as: wp_posts
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_seo_title_tag_category – will restore as: wp_seo_title_tag_category
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_seo_title_tag_tag – will restore as: wp_seo_title_tag_tag
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_smart_donations_donation_item – will restore as: wp_smart_donations_donation_item
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_term_relationships – will restore as: wp_term_relationships
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_term_taxonomy – will restore as: wp_term_taxonomy
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_terms – will restore as: wp_terms
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfBadLeechers – will restore as: wp_wfBadLeechers
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfBlocks – will restore as: wp_wfBlocks
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfBlocksAdv – will restore as: wp_wfBlocksAdv
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfConfig – will restore as: wp_wfConfig
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfCrawlers – will restore as: wp_wfCrawlers
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfFileMods – will restore as: wp_wfFileMods
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfHits – will restore as: wp_wfHits
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfHoover – will restore as: wp_wfHoover
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfIssues – will restore as: wp_wfIssues
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfLeechers – will restore as: wp_wfLeechers
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfLockedOut – will restore as: wp_wfLockedOut
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfLocs – will restore as: wp_wfLocs
    Database lines processed: 100 in 3.98 seconds
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfLogins – will restore as: wp_wfLogins
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfNet404s – will restore as: wp_wfNet404s
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfReverseCache – will restore as: wp_wfReverseCache
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfScanners – will restore as: wp_wfScanners
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfStatus – will restore as: wp_wfStatus
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfThrottleLog – will restore as: wp_wfThrottleLog
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfVulnScanners – will restore as: wp_wfVulnScanners
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wpi_object_log – will restore as: wp_wpi_object_log
    Finished: lines processed: 122 in 4.62 seconds
    Cleaning up rubbish…

    Database: search and replace site URL

    This option was not selected.


    Unpacking backup…

    Cleaning up rubbish…


    Unpacking backup…

    Moving old directory out of the way…

    Moving unpacked backup in place…

    Cleaning up rubbish…


    Unpacking backup…

    Moving old directory out of the way…

    Moving unpacked backup in place…

    Cleaning up rubbish…


    Unpacking backup…

    Moving old directory out of the way…

    Moving unpacked backup in place…

    Cleaning up rubbish…

    WordPress core (including any additions to your WordPress root directory)

    Unpacking backup…

    Moving old directory out of the way…

    wp-config.php from backup: will restore as wp-config-backup.php
    Cleaning up rubbish…

    Restore successful!

    Actions: Return to UpdraftPlus Configuration

    resulting web page

    Welcome to the famous five minute WordPress installation process! You may want to browse the ReadMe documentation at your leisure. Otherwise, just fill in the information below and you’ll be on your way to using the most extendable and powerful personal publishing platform in the world.


    Hi Mike,

    Here’s your problem, a few lines in:

    Warning: This looks like a migration (the backup is from a site with a different address/URL), but you did not check the option to search-and-replace the database. That is usually a mistake.

    Do check the search/replace box, but don’t check the wp-config.php box.



    I saw that and wondered, but like I said it worked before I purchased and that option wasn’t even there.
    I think that warning is because the backups has the prepended “www.”.

    I will try it.

    Thanks, Mike


    Ok, I did that but and edited wp-config for table prefix
    I still get the screen prompting me to install WordPress.


    UpdraftPlus Restoration: Progress

    Final checks

    Looking for db archive: file name: backup_2013-07-23-1850_Columbia_Pregnancy_Center_2782fb3612aa-db.gz
    Archive is expected to be size: 582 Kb: OK
    Looking for others archive: file name:
    Archive is expected to be size: 3 Kb: OK
    Looking for plugins archive: file name:
    Archive is expected to be size: 8466 Kb: OK
    Looking for themes archive: file name:
    Archive is expected to be size: 1636 Kb: OK
    Looking for uploads archive: file name:
    Archive is expected to be size: 17060 Kb: OK
    Looking for wpcore archive: file name:
    Archive is expected to be size: 4530 Kb: OK

    Unpacking backup…

    Restoring the database (on a large site this can take a long time – if it times out (which can happen if your web hosting company has configured your hosting to limit resources) then you should use a different method, such as phpMyAdmin)…

    Backup of:
    Old table prefix: cpc_
    Site information: multisite = 0
    New table prefix: wp_
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_options – will restore as: wp_options
    Table prefix has changed: changing option table field(s) accordingly: OK
    Search and replacing table: wp_options: rows: 505
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_users – will restore as: wp_users
    Search and replacing table: wp_users: rows: 1
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_usermeta – will restore as: wp_usermeta
    Table prefix has changed: changing usermeta table field(s) accordingly: OK
    Search and replacing table: wp_usermeta: rows: 36
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_blc_filters – will restore as: wp_blc_filters
    Search and replacing table: wp_blc_filters: rows: 0
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_blc_instances – will restore as: wp_blc_instances
    Search and replacing table: wp_blc_instances: rows: 13
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_blc_links – will restore as: wp_blc_links
    Search and replacing table: wp_blc_links: rows: 7
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_blc_synch – will restore as: wp_blc_synch
    Search and replacing table: wp_blc_synch: rows: 11
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_commentmeta – will restore as: wp_commentmeta
    Search and replacing table: wp_commentmeta: rows: 0
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_comments – will restore as: wp_comments
    Search and replacing table: wp_comments: rows: 1
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_cp_contact_form_paypal_discount_codes – will restore as: wp_cp_contact_form_paypal_discount_codes
    Search and replacing table: wp_cp_contact_form_paypal_discount_codes: rows: 0
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_cp_contact_form_paypal_posts – will restore as: wp_cp_contact_form_paypal_posts
    Search and replacing table: wp_cp_contact_form_paypal_posts: rows: 0
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_cp_contact_form_paypal_settings – will restore as: wp_cp_contact_form_paypal_settings
    Search and replacing table: wp_cp_contact_form_paypal_settings: rows: 1
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_cp_donations – will restore as: wp_cp_donations
    Search and replacing table: wp_cp_donations: rows: 1
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_donations – will restore as: wp_donations
    Search and replacing table: wp_donations: rows: 0
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_links – will restore as: wp_links
    Search and replacing table: wp_links: rows: 0
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_postmeta – will restore as: wp_postmeta
    Database lines processed: 50 in 1.01 seconds
    Search and replacing table: wp_postmeta: rows: 565
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_posts – will restore as: wp_posts
    Search and replacing table: wp_posts: rows: 528
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_seo_title_tag_category – will restore as: wp_seo_title_tag_category
    Search and replacing table: wp_seo_title_tag_category: rows: 0
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_seo_title_tag_tag – will restore as: wp_seo_title_tag_tag
    Search and replacing table: wp_seo_title_tag_tag: rows: 0
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_smart_donations_donation_item – will restore as: wp_smart_donations_donation_item
    Search and replacing table: wp_smart_donations_donation_item: rows: 1
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_term_relationships – will restore as: wp_term_relationships
    Search and replacing table: wp_term_relationships: rows: 20
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_term_taxonomy – will restore as: wp_term_taxonomy
    Search and replacing table: wp_term_taxonomy: rows: 7
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_terms – will restore as: wp_terms
    Search and replacing table: wp_terms: rows: 7
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfBadLeechers – will restore as: wp_wfBadLeechers
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfBadLeechers: rows: 0
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfBlocks – will restore as: wp_wfBlocks
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfBlocks: rows: 0
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfBlocksAdv – will restore as: wp_wfBlocksAdv
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfBlocksAdv: rows: 0
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfConfig – will restore as: wp_wfConfig
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfConfig: rows: 87
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfCrawlers – will restore as: wp_wfCrawlers
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfCrawlers: rows: 3
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfFileMods – will restore as: wp_wfFileMods
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfFileMods: rows: 2097
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfHits – will restore as: wp_wfHits
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfHits: rows: 426
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfHoover – will restore as: wp_wfHoover
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfHoover: rows: 0
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfIssues – will restore as: wp_wfIssues
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfIssues: rows: 1
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfLeechers – will restore as: wp_wfLeechers
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfLeechers: rows: 260
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfLockedOut – will restore as: wp_wfLockedOut
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfLockedOut: rows: 0
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfLocs – will restore as: wp_wfLocs
    Database lines processed: 100 in 2.56 seconds
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfLocs: rows: 0
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfLogins – will restore as: wp_wfLogins
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfLogins: rows: 38
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfNet404s – will restore as: wp_wfNet404s
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfNet404s: rows: 0
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfReverseCache – will restore as: wp_wfReverseCache
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfReverseCache: rows: 2
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfScanners – will restore as: wp_wfScanners
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfScanners: rows: 0
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfStatus – will restore as: wp_wfStatus
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfStatus: rows: 876
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfThrottleLog – will restore as: wp_wfThrottleLog
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfThrottleLog: rows: 0
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wfVulnScanners – will restore as: wp_wfVulnScanners
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfVulnScanners: rows: 0
    Restoring table (MyISAM): cpc_wpi_object_log – will restore as: wp_wpi_object_log
    Search and replacing table: wp_wpi_object_log: rows: 0
    Finished: lines processed: 122 in 2.85 seconds
    Cleaning up rubbish…

    Database: search and replace site URL

    Database search and replace: replace in backup dump with

    Search and replacing table: wp_blc_filters: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_blc_instances: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_blc_links: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_blc_synch: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_commentmeta: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_comments: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_cp_contact_form_paypal_discount_codes: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_cp_contact_form_paypal_posts: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_cp_contact_form_paypal_settings: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_cp_donations: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_donations: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_links: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_options: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_postmeta: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_posts: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_seo_title_tag_category: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_seo_title_tag_tag: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_smart_donations_donation_item: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_term_relationships: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_term_taxonomy: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_terms: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_usermeta: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_users: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfBadLeechers: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfBlocks: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfBlocksAdv: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfConfig: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfCrawlers: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfFileMods: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfHits: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfHoover: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfIssues: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfLeechers: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfLockedOut: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfLocs: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfLogins: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfNet404s: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfReverseCache: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfScanners: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfStatus: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfThrottleLog: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_wfVulnScanners: already done
    Search and replacing table: wp_wpi_object_log: already done

    Tables examined: 43
    Rows examined: 5494
    Changes made: 1076
    SQL update commands run: 968
    Errors: 0
    Time taken (seconds): 1.399


    Unpacking backup…

    Cleaning up rubbish…


    Unpacking backup…

    Moving old directory out of the way…

    Moving unpacked backup in place…

    Cleaning up rubbish…


    Unpacking backup…

    Moving old directory out of the way…

    Moving unpacked backup in place…

    Cleaning up rubbish…


    Unpacking backup…

    Moving old directory out of the way…

    Moving unpacked backup in place…

    Cleaning up rubbish…

    WordPress core (including any additions to your WordPress root directory)

    Unpacking backup…

    Moving old directory out of the way…

    wp-config.php from backup: will restore as wp-config-backup.php
    Cleaning up rubbish…

    Restore successful!

    Actions: Return to UpdraftPlus Configuration


    I just saw that both logs are restoring the tables with the original prefix, whether I check migrate check box or not.
    I went back and used the default table prefix and the restore worked!

    Did that change recently, that did not happen when I had this working before with the free version.



    Hi Mike,

    Ah… I was quite confused about what you were trying to do with the table prefixes. I think it all makes sense now. UpdraftPlus (both free and Premium) gained the ability to deal with changing table prefixes itself in version 1.6.17 ( – the early-June release (we’ve been releasing an update about once a month). So it seems like your previous work was done with an earlier version, and you didn’t realise that it had gained the new capability. And I’d not worked out why you were wanting to change these by hand!

    I’m glad you’ve now got it sorted!




    Migration worked as well.

    It was the table prefix. I know I had to change wp-config.php manually last time to match the prefix of the backup. Did that change?

    Thanks for your help



    P.S. For clarity:

    – The table prefix is always dealt with, regardless of Free/Premium, and regardless of whether you’re moving the site to a new URL or not. There’s no setting for it: it always happens, since version 1.6.17 (June).
    – The search/replace (which is in Premium only) is for when moving to a new URL, and handles the change of the URL within the database; and is completely orthogonal to what the table prefix is.

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