"Sync" with Staging Server

UpdraftPlus Home Forums Feature requests (Closed) "Sync" with Staging Server

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  • #158702

    Hi all,

    I just realized that I do one task over and over again: I develop on a staging server and then backup everything, download it and finally upload and restore it to the live server. Quite often I keep both versions and for each development step I repeat the process.

    Now, wouldn’t it be great to “link” these two UpdraftPlus installations and tell one to get a current backup from the other?

    I guess there’s not much more I have to explain about this, I only hope the realisation would be as simple as the idea ;-)




    Hi Michael,

    Use the “Clone / Migrate” button – this has a facility to send the backup set directly to another site. The destination site needs to be Internet-routable (i.e. can’t be localhost, or firewalled).



    Hi David,

    You can’t be serious. I know I have seen that button countless times and I have never even bothered to think about it any further. Not sure if I even read its title…

    And here I thought I have a brilliant idea, but now I feel kinda stupid – not only for asking but for doing migrations the hard way over and over again.

    Like any great software, UpdraftPlus is only as good as the one using it and knowing all it’s possibilities.

    Damn, can’t even blame it on UX, that button IS big ;-)

    Have a great one.




    Just a small addition to this would be to add folders to the interface of the UpdraftCentral plugin, so that staging, development, production and however many different copies of an individual site – each with its own UDP backup, could all be grouped.

    It would make the main display more organized if I could ground all the different site types within a single folder for each client. Some clients only have a single backup, but many, if not all, have a staging and live site at the very least.

    Thanks & keep up the great work!

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