Tar.Gz VS Zip

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  • #17978


    I want to know if it’s possible to make backup in tar.gz format, not in zip format. The reason is that I must do a server migration and I’m having problems with some files in the backup because they have spanish chars at name, like this

      AT-Fundaci+?n-150×150.jpg –>> This file from a updraft backup (zip format)
      AT-Fundación-150×150.jpg –>> This file from a test backup (tar.gz format)

    First file can´t not be found trough the web server

    Both servers (actual and new) are linux systems and if i make a compressed file in tar.gz all is right but the zip format goes wrong. I have not shell access to actual server, (i just have DirectAdmin panel) so I must use the backup files of updraft because i have thousands of files and is not possible to do it through my control panel

    How can I do?

    Best regards,


    Can you send me a .tar.gz file containing only *one* file with a name that exhibits this problem? ([email protected])

    Also: try adding this to your wp-config.php:

    define(‘UPDRAFTPLUS_NO_BINZIP’, true);

    Then run a new backup. Does that make a difference?

    Best wishes,


    Hi, David

    I’ve sent you a mail

    Best regards,



    These worked for me. i.e. I extracted the .tar.gz into my WordPress install, and backed it up with UpdraftPlus. I then unpacked the resulting zip file – and the file names were intact:

    $ ll | head -4
    total 56
    -rw-r–r–. 1 david david 1137 Sep 14 09:34 advanced-cache.php
    -rw-rw-r–. 1 david david 6401 Nov 18 22:47 Ángel_wide_color-150×150.jpg
    -rw-rw-r–. 1 david david 9606 Nov 18 22:47 AT-Fundación-150×150.jpg

    It’s probably the default locale of the shell on your webserver. Pass that information on to the operator of the server, and he should be able to fix it.


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