Using FTP with Heart Internet

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 1 month ago by spencer.greystrong.
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    I am trying to use FTP to backup our website to external web space on Heart Internet servers. Heart have blocked global access to their FTP servers. I can give global access via their control panel but that only lasts for a limited time and is then closed automatically as a security measure. What I need is an specific IP address for UpdraftPlus which I can feed into Heart on a permanent basis. I assumed, wrongly as it turned out, that I simply needed the IP address of the server on which our web site is stored but that didn’t work. I don’t know the ins and outs of UpdraftPlus so perhaps soemone could explain what I need to do.



    I assumed, wrongly as it turned out, that I simply needed the IP address of the server on which our web site is stored but that didn’t work.

    Your assumption was correct. However, it might be that your webserver’s *outgoing* IP address is different to the *incoming* one. Or, it might be that the webserver blocks outgoing connections. You will need to ask your web hosting company.

    For the outgoing IP address, you can also go to the ‘Advanced Tools’ in UpdraftPlus, find the HTTP tool, enter as the address to visit, and then press the “Fetch (Curl)” link. This should then report back your outgoing IP address.



    Thanks for that. The tool returned the same IP that I got from Heart so it looks as if I need to get more help from Heart. The annoying thing is, as I said before that if I make FTP available on a global basis Updraft can do it’s thing. So somewhere there must be a specific IP that I can authorise on a long term basis. I just need a way of finding what it is. I guess it’s in the range but I don;t really have the time to test all 999 options! Thanks for your help.


    An update; your system for identifying the IP address in Advanced Tools was obviously better than Heart help desk. When I first checked that their information was the same as ipinfo I misread it. The final 3 numbers were actually one digit different. Having put that into the FTP settings in Updraft Plus it works! Once again, thanks for your help.

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